As you all probably know, I turned 40 last month.
Since then, it seems my body is giving up on me! Getting old or what!
Three weeks ago it was my elbow. But I’ve been doing my exercises and it seems to have cleared up. Then over the past few days, every time I run, train hard, my hip and back goes into lockdown.
So so annoyed, frustrated, and depressing.
There is a weakness somewhere, but where? I suspect it’s a core/glute weakness, but I’m not sure.
I Need a physio to assess me.
So tomorrow, as I’m stiff, I’m seeing a physio, and gonna get this sorted. I’m going to get a plan together. My mindset needs to change and my training needs to change.
Why am I telling you all of this? You may be asking?
Because feeling annoyed and feeling frustrated are emotions people experience when they are overweight, stressed, exhausted and unfit. It’s not until these feelings get really strong does someone do something about it.
Firstly they try to do something about on their own. Join a gym, start a diet. But 9 times out of 10, they will get so far, give up and yoyo back to where they started.
Then again, they try again and rebound again.
Why give up?
Because it’s hard. It’s uncomfortable. It can be tiring. It requires compromise.
But what many don’t plan for is giving up. It happens every time. A time when you fall off the horse and think f*** it. But only some jump back on the horse and go again. Only some get back on the road to feeling good and looking great.
The rest give up and regress to where they started.
But if you have a coach. A coach who who works out a strategy with you and a coach who will not let you totally give up. You will eventually succeed.
A coach your accountable to.
That’s what you get on my bootcamps. I’ll help plan a strategy, to set goals, and to follow up to see if you implemented them. And when it all gets too much and you give up, have a blip, come and see me and we will go again!
Eventually, with:
- Consistency
- Persistency
- Determination
You’ll get:
- More energy for the family
- More energy for you
- More muscle tone
- More definition.
- Less fat and a beach body to be proud of.
Me, I’m going to get to the bottom of why my hip is giving me Jip. So, I can run around, train hard without side effects.
If you haven’t booked onto the spring/summer Bootcamp term – please contact me and see if there are any spaces left?
Yours ‘dodgy hip’ Wellard
Happy Health
Daniel Wellard