Symptoms & Assessment:
A man in his 7o’s presenting with sacroiliac joint and possible herniated disc problems.
After a course of physiotherapy treatments to release soft tissue around the injured area, he was recommended to manage the condition with Clinical Pilates in order to avoid surgery.
Due to severe stiffness in his low back pain and a hip the progress was slow. The initial pilates programme was designed to build up body awareness in order to gain control of his own body. Hip and lower back mobility improved gradually as well as the core strength. He was determined to get better and followed a home Pilates programme every day and attended two clinical Pilates sessions a week with Bonnie Ryckova.
Mobility of his spine, hip and core strength improved significantly within 8 month, no recurrence of bad back pain in last 20 month. It’s been now 3 years and he is still doing pilates exercises on daily basis and see myself twice a week. He attends physiotherapy session preventively twice a year. His condition is managed by balanced pilates exercise routine.
”I was referred to ‘Bonnie’ two years ago after sustaining a serious back injury (sacro-iliac joint damage & suspected herniated disc). At the start it was almost certain that I would need an expensive back operation, but Bonnie’s patient re-hab skills and disciplined Pilates teaching has improved the damaged area to such an extent that an operation is no longer necessary. Her skills in rehab and correct teaching have been exemplary, and the schedule that I am now working on will mean I can continue to take proper controlled exercise through retirement and into later life. ”
Chris, Putney
Bonnie Ryckova is a Clinical Pilates Instructor and Specialist in the Management of Lower Back Pain
“Pilates is an amazing profession to be in, and helping people recover from their injuries is extremely rewarding. Here at Physio for Life, we want to enable patients to discover a way of understanding & self-managing their injuries in a more active way”.