Check this out….look at the top left corner of the screen shot. Amazon offered 44,101 books that relate to my search ‘Weight loss diet books’.
No wonder a lot of people are overwhelmed and confused about which diet is best for weight loss. To add to the list TV presenter, Davina McCall has been all over the TV promoting her new book on ‘Smart Carbs’.
Over the years, I have clients coming in and telling me about the latest diets journalists write about in newspapers.
However, this year my guys have seen the light and laughed at all this diet hullabaloo. ‘Hey Dan, I’ve read in 3 different newspapers, 3 separate diets that claim their way is the best’. All 3 tell you to eat lots of veggies, good quality meat and fish, nuts, seeds and eggs!’
The thing is, if you follow a ‘weight loss diet plan’ from a book, newspaper or Davina and do exercise, you will lose weight (unless there is a metabolic disorder etc). But many people still struggle and skip from one diet to another, trying to find that magic answer to their pain (being overweight).
Why does this happen? Most of us know what to do (broadly speaking) but many still can’t do it.
Here are 4 things that everyone should have in their armour when going to war with body fat – in order to look good and feel great.
- We must set goals. Set a 50-90 day goal
- And break it down into weekly targets.
- Don’t make too many changes at once. 1-2 lifestyle changes per week is plenty for most.
- Be accountable to a coach, trainer, friend, husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend. And get their support.
- Realise that you will have bad days, and when you do, use your coach, friend, wife etc to help you get back up, reset goals and go again. Be persistent.
Daniel is currently running Indoor Fat Loss Bootcamps at Physio4life. For a free no strings attached strategy call, please email reception at admin@physio4life.co.uk or call 020 8704 5998