Fail to prepare, prepare to fail
Morning my friend
Yesterday, I had just finished with the early morning Bootcamp sessions and as the sweaty people left the gym, feeling knackered, but superb, I began to get ready for my session.
Legs again – my elbow is feeling better and although it’s tempting to do some upper body, I am sticking to the physio’s instructions – no weights using your arms!
As I was getting ready, Thomas, one of the bootcampers set me a target on the rower. I managed to negotiate him down from 850m (total distance after 5 x 30secs sprint) to 830m. As he left the gym, I thought – I’ll show him, I’m going to go for 850!
Anyway, I hammered it, but fell short – 849 meters….1 meter short of his original suggested target. But it was 41 meters better than last time!
The point of the the story, my little elephant toe, is that if you have a target set by someone, it will more likely to spur you on to achieve things you never thought you could.
When you evader isle on your own, do you push yourself? Do you think you could work a bit harder to get fitter, get stronger, burn more calories and melt away the fat.
Having a trainer, encouraging you, pushing you, and making you progress help enormously. In my bootcamps, it’s not just me, but fellow friends in the group that shout encouragement.
I hear it all the time in my Bootcamp and PT sessions. ‘I never push myself this much. I feel so much fitter, and I don’t even have to think about what to do, you do that for me’.
If you didn’t know already – the higher the intensity you reach during exercise, the better the impact on your body’s fat burning for the rest of the day. The more fat you burn throughout the day,the slimmer you will become. So, it pays to try your best most of the time you train.
I say most of the time, because I get, there are days when you’re not up for it and actually doing exercise is a big achievement. And that’s brilliant. But the days when you are up for it, go for it.
As for my rowing, I think I could have done more. If I had a trainer encouraging me, I’m sure I could have got 10-20 more meters!
If you need the preverbal ‘kick up the behind’ and want to improve your ability to burn the fat drop me an email (admin@physio4life.co.uk).