In the last few weeks we have seen an increasing amount of people in the clinic with lower limb injuries, mostly marathon training related but not restricted to. Varying from plantar fasciitis, Achilles’ tendon, ITB and patella related as well as muscular tightness and tenderness, just to name a few…
It is about the time that people are increasing the length of their runs and trying to improve times so it is not uncommon for injuries to occur.
Endurance training requires your body to adapt to the increasing demands that are being placed upon it. This requires the muscle and cardiovascular systems to become more efficient. At times these demands and Changes push the body to a limit it cannot withstand.
Firstly we need to understand and determine the “driver” of the site of injury. We look at the spine, ribs, pelvis and functional static and dynamic postures. Once we have all our information we can began to structure an individual and tailored treatment program.
There are a few options for treatment…
- Electro therapy (ultrasound) is mechanical vibrations passed into the tissues as sound waves. It is suggested that ultrasound to injured tissues can assist in healing and repair (electro therapy.org)
- Massage or tissue release can assist to relive tightness within the muscle and improve length tension relationships
- Acupuncture or dry needling is an adjunct treatment to assist in releasing tension in muscles.
- Joint mobilisation is a passive technique to improve the range of motion of a joint if found to be stiff. In turn gaining normal movement can assist muscles to perform more efficiently
- Taping is also another method for treating lower limb injuries. Rigid tape is used to provide support to joints to decrease any strain on the area. Dynamic taping can be used in a few different ways depending on application. The first is to increase or activate a muscle to work and the second is the opposite, to deactivate overactive muscles.
We also offer bio mechanical assessment and orthotics by our expert physiotherapists.
If you are starting to feel any aches or niggles or are currently nursing an injury now is the time to pop in and see us so we can help get you race ready for April. Physio4life is your one stop shop
For more information or to book an appointment please call 0208 704 5998 or email admin@physio4life.co.uk
– Rebecca Lang, Physio4Life’s Senior Physiotherapist