It was December 1991.
It was a day I was left having regrets and feeling ashamed of myself.
The night before, it was my sister’s 18th birthday party at our family house. I was 15, and my mate, Marc was 16. By 8pm most of the house was packed, full of her friends, and a few family members.
Marc and I were on drinks duty. ‘Southern Comfort and Lemonade please’ someone asked. ‘Gin and tonic’ someone else asked
We would pour big measures, because we didn’t know what the heck was the right amount. No-one really complained. They just got hammered!
The cheeky thing Marc and I did was, for every drink we poured, we made a booze drink for ourselves. Drank it like it was Coke.
Within the next hour, I remember feeling really dizzy. My mum asked me whether I was drunk or not. Unconvincingly, I’m sure, I said no.
The next thing I remember is being asleep on my mum’s bed. This was also the same place everyone put their coats.
I heard, through the daze of deep drunken sleep – ‘Barbs (my mums name is Barbara) Daniel’s been sick’ – Apparently all over, my sister’s, boyfriend’s mum’s fur coat. At this time, my wing man, Marc, was on to toilet, pants around ankles being sick too.
I thought I was going to experience something fun and enjoyable. Instead, it was terrible and I felt terrible for the next 24 hours.
Regret, annoyed with myself, frustrated. But looking back now – hilarious. I still owe the owners of the fur coat £10!
These are all emotions that people feel after an indulgent night.
These are also emotions that people feel when they fall off the wagon and give up trying to lose weight.
Fed up, regrets
Losing weight is hard. Especially when it means you have to live without chocolate everyday, cakes, booze most nights.
Especially when it means you have to exercise on a regular basis, when going home for a glass of wine is way more appealing.
Start a healthy, eating, losing weight regime…gets too hard to, give up, put all the weight back on…,,
I’ve worked with tons of people who have been in the same boat. They think they’ll never get the body they want.
But, there is a way of getting your body back, without giving up everything.
Obviously, there will be things you will have to change. And it will be hard.
But the key is, if you have a coach, like me to help you stay persistent, help you stay consistent and put you back in the saddle when you fall from the horse – you’ll get there.
If change means you can go on holiday in the summer and not cover up your body.
If change means that you can be the one that walks into a room and turns heads..
If change means you’re less stressed and have more energy to run around after your kids…..
Then change is worth it – right?
If you want change. If you’ve had enough of yoyo dieting then, let’s get together and go for it. Contact me on wellarddaniel@me.com or contact admin@physio4life.co.uk.