Unprecedented times have come upon us all and with the current government announcement, for the safety of our clients and staff; we have decided to close the clinic for face-to-face rehab and alternative remedial services as of 24/03/2020 this evening – just until this situation passes.
What this in fact has made us realise, is that as humans we are extremely reliant on social interaction that has certainly become strained. We know how much this can affect each of our lives, but thankfully, we are also extremely resilient and resourceful!
Communication has never been more important and technology allows us to continue some form of normality during this pandemic. With that in mind, our physio’s can continue to provide the rehab services to our patients who need and want to progress through online consultations via Zoom.
These virtual appointments mean you can achieve the following:
· Assessment/Diagnosis.
· Exercise prescription and rehabilitation planning.
· Comprehensive self-management strategies.
· Guided exercises sessions.
· Onward referral for appropriate imaging if needed.
In the meantime, we’d like to encourage you all to keep in touch with us and your friends and family. The physiological impact of self-isolation can be detrimental so lets stick together and help each other through this rough patch. Use this time as an opportunity to find some inner calm, in a world where often we get swept up in the business of it all. But most importantly, stay safe, active and keep on communicating!
Do contact the admin team, they will be available throughout this period.
We wish you all the best in these extraordinary times.
Kind Regards
Clinic Manager