Symptoms & Assessment:
Julie, a 38-year-old woman, developed debilitating middle and lower back and shoulder pain following the birth of her third child.
An MRI scan confirmed facet joint injury in her lower spine, more likely a result of three pregnancies and poor core/pelvic floor retraining postnatally. Initially she had a course of Clinical Pilates sessions with Bonnie Ryckova – concentrating on pelvic floor/core retraining as well as shoulder girdle stability and middle back strength.
Her goal was to get back to running again. Personal Training sessions with Bonnie once a week helped her to gain strength in her legs, hips and improved overall wellbeing including weight loss. A year later she started to follow a ‘back to run’ plan twice a week to gradually build up her endurance, as well as attending regular Pilates sessions.
A recurrence of lower back pain reduced to only one episode in eighteen months – instead of the historic monthly events. She regularly completed 5k and 10k runs with no health issues. Today, Julie, still enjoys personal training and joined Barre Classes to keep her figure sleek.
”Bonnie Ryckova has been my personal trainer/pilates teacher for three years. For me I found Bonnie’s knowledge of Pilates as well as her training skill a good combination. As someone with lower back problems, I wanted a trainer who knew how to progress my training without putting my lower back at risk. As Bonnie was a qualified Pilates teacher, I also attended her classes, which combined well with my training sessions with her. ”
Julie, Wimbledon
Bonnie Ryckova is a Clinical Pilates Instructor and Specialist in the Management of Lower Back Pain
“Pilates is an amazing profession to be in, and helping people recover from their injuries is extremely rewarding. Here at Physio for Life, we want to enable patients to discover a way of understanding & self-managing their injuries in a more active way”.