Confused by the Choice of Weight Loss Programs and Diet Tips?
When I searched ‘Amazon UK’ for books on losing weight, the results delivered a choice of over 108,000 books.
108,000 ideas and opinions on losing weight. That’s a lot of options!
If you also consider the magazine and newspaper articles on weight loss, plus TV programmes, there’s tons of information out there.
So it suggests there is an increasing problem with people being overweight and looking to do something about it.
Adopt Good Lifestyle Choices
The basics in managing weight are generally well understood, as is the need to exercise regularly. Good lifestyle choices include:
- Getting enough sleep
- Eating lots of colourful veggies and fruit.
- Not drinking too much alcohol, or completely avoiding it.
But still many find it hard to stick to a plan, and many find the different choices in approaching health and fitness confusing – not surprising with 108,000+ different opinions out there!
In many instances stressful situations with the kids, or at work, leave us in a place where we feel down, worn-out, tired and stressed.
Often we are looking for a ‘hit’ to make us feel good and reach for candy bars and chocolate. Dopamine (the feel good hormone) is obtained through comfort eating on carbs and simple sugars. The problem is that the ‘fix’ is short lived, so it’s tempting to take on more sugar loaded snacks to give another boost.
Consistency is Key
Unfortunately, there is no magic pill that you can take to sort good all round health and fitness. It’s just a case of finding a type of exercise you enjoy and adopting healthy eating strategies that work for you, and STAYING CONSISTENT!!
One aspect of my Fitness and Nutrition Indoor BootCamp, is to make people more accountable for their actions. This helps create consistency.
Try keeping track of your daily habits. Give yourself points for good behaviour and record daily how you’re progressing:
- 1 point every day you exercise
- 1 point every day you avoid junk food and sugary snacks
- 1 point every day you avoid booze
I find those who manage to get 15 or more points every week, are the ones who:
- Have truck loads more energy to help deal with the pace of modern day life
- Start to fit back into clothes they haven’t worn for a while
- Feel more buoyant, vibrant with a ‘Joie de Vive’
Reap the Rewards in Time for Christmas
If you manage at least 15 points per week, every week, you’ll have 100 points in the bank for Christmas! Besides being deservedly chuffed with yourself for your hard work and consistency, you will be looking and feeling wonderful in time for the Party Season.
So don’t delay – start today!
Happy Health
Daniel Wellard, Personal Trainer and Nutritionist
Join Daniel at our Regular Indoor Bootcamps
Our Indoor Fat Loss Bootcamps are designed to help you get slimmer, feel more toned and have more energy to deal with the stress of modern day life. The sessions are tailored to specific groups – Mixed, Ladies Only and Seniors Over 60’s.
For further details please click here