Can you believe we are now a third of the way through the year?
jeepers! Where has that gone?
Yesterday, during one of my training sessions, I was asked (again) the best way of losing belly fat. So, I will NOW share the two best exercises for BELLY FAT LOSS.
THESE are the best form of exercises to lose belly fat.
These exercise will burn that unwanted flab that sits around your midsection. It’s amazing…….
it’s simple, and the best thing is it’s been staring us in the face for years…….
I hope I have you’re attention…….At this point you should be dancing around the room with excitement.
1- The the first most important exercise to lose belly fat is willpower and self control. I doubt many can manage 100% willpower and self control 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. However, if you can limit those devilish treats (ie JUNK FOOD) to once in a while and enjoy a diet full of fresh veg, fruit, good quality protein, water, and healthy fats, you’ll be the one who loses fat, looks great, get compliments and feels fantastic.
If you have 3 meals per day, 21 meals per week, and 19 of those meals are ‘healthy’ and one or 2 not so healthy – you will shed fat.
2- The second, but no way less important is Exercise regularly. Preferably a mix of weights and high intensity exercise, but most importantly do something you enjoy and something you will stick to. Do it at least 3 times a week, but better still 4-5 x week.
It’s bank holiday weekend, a great time for most who can have 3 days of relaxing and enjoying time off work. It’s also a time when exercise regimes may suffer.
Here is a little session to help you stay super active over the next few days
Do each exercise for 60s with only 15s rest between each exercise. repeat the circuit 3 times.
It’s simple, easy and takes 20 mins.
press ups
sit ups
walking lunges
mountain runners
jumping jacks
Failing that, come and join me and the others in the DROP IN BOOTCAMP EXTRA CLASSES. Anyone is welcome
*****Saturday morning (2nd May) 9am and 9:45am
*****Bank Holiday Monday (4th May) 9am and 9:45am
I promise, you will work up a sweat during the session, and leave the gym glowing, safe in the knowledge you have trained, had fun and feel fab!!!!!
Happy Health
Daniel Wellard